
gottaaa love this.
and i know i love photography....

: D

a monday

ive been listening to alot of different kinds of music right now.
-brandon heath
-old coldplay
-juno soundtrack
-sigur ros
-dustin o'holloran

haha yeah. i like my variety.
well recently my dear friend eliz's boyfriend keith showed me this song by Iver.

...sundown live...

its AMAZING, everyone neeeds to listen.
ived actually never heard of Iver and neither have most other people....but they are amazing and talented.
so, i couldnt found any of their songs like anywhere...but kaitlynn, [girl who lives downstairs] found it!!! YES! and she found another 3 songs as well...God bless that child...haha!

so needless to say, im in love with new artists...and new music....and inspiring lryics...that inspire me so much.
fall is coming and im itching to take some film, its been forever.
and i just need to go out and take pics....

God is Amazing.
this place is amazing.

i am in a good place.


" i dont shut up, i grow up, and when i look at your face, i throw up"

i m starting to hate college food.

if you even call it food.

and YESSS kaitlyn found "sun.down.live" by Iverrrr.


i'm sorry

about all the psych notes. it keeps me focused.....haha.

so dustin ohalloran have been in my head all week, and im loving it.

mainly opus 9 and 17....

: )
yeah im craving pizza right now too.

chapter 4 - life begins at conception

Prenatel development

3 stages;

1) Zygote - the fertilized egg, rapid cell devision, and developing into an embryo. 0 - 2 weeks.

2) Embryo - 2 weeks - 8 weeks.

3) Fetus - developing human organism from 9 weeks after conception to birth.


pg. 184.

Crystallized intelligence - one's accumulated knowlegde as reflected in vocab and analogies tests - increases up to old age.

Fluid intelligence - one's ability to reason speediy and abtracly, as when sovling novel problems - decreases slowly up to age 75 or so, then more rapidly, esp. after age 85.


page 66

wow! its the Endrocrine System :D

hypothalamus - brain region controling the pituitary gland.

pituitary gland - secretes many different hormones, some of which affect other glands.

thyroid gland - affects metabolism among other things.

adrenal glands - inner part, called the medulla, helps trigger the "fight" of "flight" response.

pancreas - regulates the level of sugar in the blood.

ovary - secretes female sex hormones

testis- secretes male sex hormones.

-------------in that order....

p. 58

ACH or Acetylcholine - muscles, memory, and learning! [Alziemer's]

Dopamine - movement, learning, attention, and emotions. [ schizophrenia, tremos, and Parkinson's]

Serotin - affects mood, sleep, hunger, and arousal. [depression]

Norepinphrine - helps control alertness and control. [undersupply can depress mood]

theses are all NEURONSMITTERS.


heather loves rick though anna pruden is a dead girl.as of nowpppppppppppppppp.

oh wow. im awspm========dd.....

yeah, i need help studying?
haha ; D

get in my brain!

Franz Gall - bumps on the head?!
he was a german doctor!

the ACTION POTENTIAL is brief electrical charge that travels down the AXON.

and what is an AXON.....it passes away messages from the cell body to the other neurons, mucsles, or glands....

a cell body is the cell's life center, like a base.
: ) haha. the dendrites recieve messages from the cells, and the neural impulse are the electrical signal traveling down the axon....

and what are axons again? its those stupid things that pass messages away from the cell body to other stuffff. like neurons, musles, or glands....

whats the fatty stuff that covers the axon and helps speed neural impules?
oh thats a myelin sheath!

yeah so thats all what....

haha, yes!

i'll be backkkk.
with more info.


" i shut up, i grow up, and when i look at your face, i throw up."
i wish i could retain knowledge better.
i hate psych.
i hate memorizing.
i suck at it.
im tired of always having homework.
"i am a vampire!"

im studying psych chapter 2

The Brain:

[Limbic System]

amygdala - neural centers in the limbic system linked TO EMOTION.

hippocampus - a structure in the limbic system linked TO MEMORY.

hypothalamus - controls maintenance functions such as eating; helps govern endocrine system; linked to emotion and reward.

~~~~~ [
corpus callosum - axon fibers connecting two cerebral hemispheres.

thalalmus - relays messages between lower brain centers and cerebral cortex.

pituitary - master endocrine gland

cerebellum - coordinates voluntary movement and balance.

~~~~~ [ Brainstem ]

reticular formation - helps control arousal

medulla - controls heartbeat and breathing

spinal cord - pathway for neural fibers traveling to and from brain; controls simple reflexes.


okay, so Acetylcholine [ACH] hellps enables the muscles, memory, and learning. but if we dont have enough of it, we might get Alzheimer's....
Dopamine influences movement, learning, attention, and emotions. if you dont have enough of this neurontransmitter you might have schizophrenia. =/!!!! or tremors!! or PARKINSOnS!!!
[ haha ]

Serotonin likes to affect your mood, hunger, sleep, and arousal. haha! : ) if you dont have enough of this baby, you might get like sad or depressed.

the last one is Norepinphrine, which helps with control alertness [ does coffee have this in it???!!!], and arousal. this also can make u sad, if u have an undersupply.
='/ .
and boys and girls, these are ALL called Neurontransmitters, and can be found on page 58 .

thanks for everything.
i'll be back.


the changing of the leaves, brings other changes as well.

: )

college life.

these girls are part of my little world that i live here at ABC.
i just met them, and i cant be more blessed.
it amazes me how close a bond we have already made and its been only 3 weeks.
it blows my mind. God has blessed me!
they each have a different personality and qualities that i admire.
Alicia is goofy, yet caring.
Kaitlyn is completely crazy.
Rebekah is the 'mother' of the group, she brings some sense. :)
and Melonie is the quiet spirit. she's famous for her one liners that crack all of us up.

i wouldnt want any other girls to be here my first year of college.
and may we be friends til God calls us home....

: D

[left to right]

[ rebekah, mel, alicia, and kaitlynnn]

click to enlarge.

im heart hurts.

Lord, take away the pain.

i'm broken and upset.
i am ashamed.

giving it all

God has been really working on my heart lately about giving it ALL to him.

every day.

every feeling. for ...certain someones.

my homeowork.

my words.

my actions.


you know how some girls have a list of things that want in a guy....
well tonight a good guy friend of mine said the only thing he wants in a girl, is a girl who loves Christ more than she loves him.
and that just struck me! haha! like a slap in the face!
im so selfish and always focusing on the outward appearance and not looking at the heart, and seeing if its a heart for God.
well, just some random thoughts.
college is amazing.

i love it.

i thrive here.

: D

thank you lydia

"at this point it would be easy
to do what I want.
at this point,
it’s my turn.
but something holds me back.
I have a sense that
what I want is not what I need;
and it’s time to question all of this."

i want to go to

take me.
im thinking about going into photography missions.
: )
i would love it.


[ click to enlarge ]

: )

pics to come

college is everything and nothing of what ive expected.

this is just the beginning.

stay tuned.