Its been a while
lots of things have happened.
JOB=waitress at Bob Evans. Yes, ladies and gentlemen. i am a waitress. its harder than it sounds. Seriously. the menu is huge, and it have to pretty much memorize it all in 3 days. not fun. and thennnn, ALL the abbr.--crazzzy. ahh.
i was pretty much freaking out yesterday, knowing it was my LAST night [ i only had 3 days of training!] of training. i mean, i was really freaking out.
STRESSED. i honestlly dont get stressed out that much. i really dont. but yesterday was nuts.
oh well. these last 2 days were crazy.
SUNDAY-Church, Senior Lunch, Photoshoot with Caleb. gosh, i didnt know boys needed so much direction. [pics will come lata] but seriously, i first it was REALLY hard. thank goodness that Amanda was there.....hardest shoot everr...
MONDAY-French class at 2-4...then WORK @ 4:30-9ish.
So this morning was killer.
its been a while since i was this tired.
i work again tonight. BY MYSELF. CHYEAH. im really freaking out. haha! pray for me!
Anywhoo. thats basically it.
wow, this post was really boring.

until next time....
Posted in:
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
11:42 AM