Boys are like shoes.
it was late last night [ or early this morning ] when i couldnt sleep. i think i suffer from insomia. haha ~
[ This is the for the ladies who have commitment issues ]
Boys are like shoes;
For me, at least. Well. you know when you have that ONE favorite pair of shoes that you absolutely love! like LOVE . but to be honest, they dont go with all your favorite outfits. soo, you change shoes. every once in a while.
yeah, so, its kinda like boys. you know you like that ONE boy, but sometimes he doesnt "go with" other aspects of your life. like sometimes its great and both of you guys have alot of fun. but other times,it can be awkward.
so, i guess you can say, you have other boys too to fit other parts of your life. [ haha! ] like, "keeping your options open" . its hard to be satified with one pair of shoes.
well, its hard. cuz you still have that favorite shoe--and then you feel guilty when you wear that other awesome pair [ or when you talk to that other boy ] so, you over compesate, and then things get even more complicated.
but one day, hopefully, we all will find that ONE PAIR [ or boy! haha ]that we absolutely completely fall in love with. and it [ he ] goes with every single outfit and it fits perfectly with other situation. it will be dependable, comfy, make you feel sexy, and most importantly it will be loyal and steady. you will never tire of it [ or him ] and all your friends will think you are the CUTEST. haha ~ !
so, yeah. i wish for everyong to find that one awesome amazing pair of shoes....
and maybe a boy too....why not?
who knows!
=] now, have a lovely evening and go play in the rain.
Posted in:
Friday, September 14, 2007
4:44 PM
I need new shoes, except I want a girl. hahah I wonder what kind of shoes that would be... maybe the original black chucks, or extreme orange and lime green chucks. Heck yes!