my first semester of college is finished.
it has FLOWN by.
so much has changed and happened.
life is a funny thing.
- i'm sitting here in the servant center, doing absolutely nothing.
jason and i might watch a movie later, but for now i'm blogging.
to the right of me are 3 RAs + upper classmen playin fooseball.
Mr. Naff and 2-3 various students are playin pingpong.
yesterday was a good day in the SC. you should have seen it, it was a happening place. haha!
i was sitting there, and it hit me.
i love college. i love meeting new people. i love experiencing new things.
ive learned SO much this semester.
ive learned that words have impact, good and bad.
i've learned to not judge by first impressions.
ive learned that i can change.
i can let down my walls and let someone in.
let someone i am begginning to care about in.
in me.
to get me, to know me.
its a scary risk-- but im tired of not taking risks.
lets do this.
lets do this scary thing called life and love and dreams and hopes and disappointments and heartbreaks and tears and prayer and joy.
you never know what kind of people you will meet.
someone new every day.
and those people you meet can change you and mold you.
God has a sense of humor.
He changes your plans.
He brings people into your life that challenge you and test you.
Thank God for that....
here's to another chapter of my life closed....onto Christmas break....and then next semester...
where i will as well be moved and touched.
i hate goodbyes.
i need more hellos in my life.
: )
Posted in:
Thursday, December 18, 2008
9:45 AM