2 tim 1:7
i suppose its time that i write a blog of substance and words, not just photos.
although in my opinion, photos create words and convey emotions better than i ever could with my meager words.
frankly, my faith has been tested here at college.
how so little {we} trust in the Almighty.
how so weak {we} are.
how so
to depend on him.
i do feel a bit guilty and ashamed of how i havent given everything to him (*cough*relationships)
and i think that i shouldnt dwell on the fact that i have failed, and should know that our God is always
faithful and patient with his children.
oh how i am so thankful.
i have reached a point in my life where many things
are going to change && and
and im not going to like these change and discisions.
i hate making life desiciions. =/
i am 18 yrs old, yet feel so young and old.
and i know prolly alot of people say that.
old soul in young body, or whatever pplz say.
but the truth is that its scary.
ha, childish statement? yes it is.
and we are all still children at heart.
in this changing world, we can trust in Him and realize that He is
2 tim. 1:7 [esv]
"for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control."
goodnight all.
Posted in:
Thursday, November 13, 2008
9:03 PM
mmmm good thoughts here, girlie