im studying psych chapter 2
The Brain:
[Limbic System]
amygdala - neural centers in the limbic system linked TO EMOTION.
hippocampus - a structure in the limbic system linked TO MEMORY.
hypothalamus - controls maintenance functions such as eating; helps govern endocrine system; linked to emotion and reward.
~~~~~ [
corpus callosum - axon fibers connecting two cerebral hemispheres.
thalalmus - relays messages between lower brain centers and cerebral cortex.
pituitary - master endocrine gland
cerebellum - coordinates voluntary movement and balance.
~~~~~ [ Brainstem ]
reticular formation - helps control arousal
medulla - controls heartbeat and breathing
spinal cord - pathway for neural fibers traveling to and from brain; controls simple reflexes.
okay, so Acetylcholine [ACH] hellps enables the muscles, memory, and learning. but if we dont have enough of it, we might get Alzheimer's....
Dopamine influences movement, learning, attention, and emotions. if you dont have enough of this neurontransmitter you might have schizophrenia. =/!!!! or tremors!! or PARKINSOnS!!!
[ haha ]
Serotonin likes to affect your mood, hunger, sleep, and arousal. haha! : ) if you dont have enough of this baby, you might get like sad or depressed.
the last one is Norepinphrine, which helps with control alertness [ does coffee have this in it???!!!], and arousal. this also can make u sad, if u have an undersupply.
='/ .
and boys and girls, these are ALL called Neurontransmitters, and can be found on page 58 .
thanks for everything.
i'll be back.
Posted in:
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
11:30 AM