baby jack
well, my sister's baby is here.
born at 4:00 pm
may 15th.
6lbs, 7oz, 19 1/2 in.
Baby Jack Allen.
cutest boy everrrr.
i love his little face, and his fingers, toes, ah everything.
whoaa, emotional.
u know whats so great?
how life allows u to love one being so much.
he's been here only 3 and half hours.
wow, blows my mind.
praise GOD for a heathly baby and mommy.
: )
ah, what a day.
i just wanna hold him and kiss his beautiful face.
love you all.
call me!

Posted in:
Thursday, May 15, 2008
4:43 PM
awww....congratulations to the new mommy! Post pics!