sleep deprived, but good.
i have been pratically running on zero sleep the past 2 days.
i had an AMAZING time at ABC.
i really neeeeeeeeeded those short 2 days to slow down and do nothing but laugh, eat, and hang out with new friends and old friends.
i love how the company of funny people make life beautiful.
haha, oh how i laughed.
: ) Anyways.
but i just realized something, and im going to share.
usually i take comfort in the fact that i can really Go-With-The-Flow.
im really an easygoing person.
but lately ive noticed, that im not like that.
im changing..but i dont think its for the better.
when did i become so controling? or uptight? its hard to let things go and give them to the Lord.
im stubborn, and independent. =/
ah, i need to work on that.
its all about prayer.
Well, i had a great two days, and photos will come.
i got ALOT done on my To-Do list :)))))
that excites mee! :D
haha, anyways.
i still need to take my driver's test, and finsh my photo project, but im not worried about it.
freaking story, but this kid at ABC is youth pastor at her church, she got saved two months ago, her dad died 2 weeks ago, and she was in a REAL bad car accident. really bad.
ahh, pray.
pray hard.
Posted in:
Saturday, April 5, 2008
12:42 PM