welll i should be working on my art book, but im not.
i want mac&cheese.
classes started.
funnn times.
im not a morning person.
um, work is the same.
nicole is single.
and my gums hurt, i cant eat =(
lataaa punks.

Posted in:
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
12:03 PM
Hey darlin!
Neat blog you got going on here, I can't believe you got a hold of a twin reflex camera. You have go to let me know how those prints come out ;]
But hey,I can't remember if you ever asked to use that film picture of mine in this blog (if you did and I forgot,then sorry and you can just ignore this!)
But I'd really appreciate it if you turned it into some sort of link, or put up some photo credit to me. That would be so great! Don't really mind that you used it, it's just once it's posted some where, my work tends to circulate quite a bit and I want to be fair to those who've payed to own rights to my images.
Thanks girl. Keep taking photos!