So, basically why i havent really written anything of great volume is cuz;
1- im really busy. work is killer
2- most the time photos can display how i feel betteer than words.
3- my life is boring and nothing of great change has happened.
So, where do i go from here?
Do i talk about how challenging work is ? or how so many of my relationships [eps. those with the opposite sex] are at a STAND STILL? c.o.m.p.l.e.t.e.t.l.y.
okay. so they are. i dont have a boyfriend. do i want one? do i need one?
the answer to both of those questions are NO.
No,no, no. the 1st one a really real no?
confusing, eh? i am. really confused.....well, more of a frustration.... like a KSDJKLFJSKDFJLKDSF! or a simply and sighh.
i'm still happy though. i got some pretty awesome friends. *cough*jackiee.=]
im making some pretty good money, and there are no guys in the picture.
its somewhat relaxing, or there is no pressure. sorta.
to be honest, some days i just would like a hug. a real hug. one of those hugs that when u hug that person u can smelll them.
oh,, how i miss jonny's hugs. hhahaha! he smelled so good.all.the.time.
no joke. julz knows what im talking about!! CHYEAH.

Posted in:
Thursday, October 4, 2007
11:56 AM
i know the feelings anna darlin...
you are amazing <3
somehow we have this connection. i feel the pain, know what you are talking about. Hugs i do miss them.
actaully i miss you