This entry is strictly venting.
i have to.
Bare with me. Props to those who stick through this whole entry.
Lets Start;
Today--Yes, i have watched the movie Becoming was about the great Jane Austen's life. My friend and I were very very excited to see this movie. i love Jane Austen. Read almost every novel. Great stuff.
Soo, of course we were inticipating another P&P....but NO... it wasnt.
-the movie started out like any other Austen movie...Girl meets boy..detests boy..boy acts bad....boy falls in love...girl realizes her love for the boy...but then the movie turns depressing.
Depressing--yes, that is a strong word. i undestand. but this movie made me angry and frustrated.
Every girl, at one point, wishes she lives in the world of Jane Austen. its just plain romantic. but, this movie displayed that society as a ughly and harsh place. Families being ripped apart by disease and scandals. Being a women without money is the worst. [ i would like to point out how thankful i am how far women have come ] anyways-- Money.
it plays a HUGE part in this part in this movie. It tears love apart, and on that fact alone brings me alot sadness.
I feel immensely sad for Jane. She didnt deserve her fate.
i could go one about how its completely and utterly unfair how women were treated back then. i could go on and complain on how ignornant men can be and how they dont think about their decisions. and i could possibly vent about how Jane decided her own destiny and how brave she was by making those decisions.
[disappointment hopes is the hardest kind of punishment when it comes with women]
i could and maybe i will in the future vent about this movie some more, and explain a little more.
But...i wont.
Me too.
maybe another time for a camp story.
someone call me for coffee. anyone.
have a lovely day.
Posted in:
Saturday, August 18, 2007
1:24 PM
I love you best friend! I started a blog! I just wanted to get it all out! I love you!!