i'm completely tired of not taking chances.
life is WAY too short not to do what you want.
im scared, to be honest.
and i hate that.
i hate that i dont just go up to you and be like 'HEY, lets go do this.'
and be like i want to have conversations and i want to know what goes on in your head and what you think of everything.
i know i dont make sense half the time on this blog, but it doesnt matter.
my head is full of confusing thoughts and troubles.
somestime i NEED to vent.
im proud of all the burdens i take for others. [<--weird!] i feel that God has given me a heart for other people's hardships. yeah, so to all 2008 graduates. GO. DO it. follow those whimes and those dreams keep God first
and stay humble.
life is short.
hug the loved ones.
and kiss the new ones.
and the most important...
dont take ONE day for granted.
i love you all.
call anytime for coffeee.
you know i love to talk.
: )
Posted in:
Saturday, June 7, 2008
7:20 PM